
Kviečiu išmąstyti ir puoselėti bendrystę ugdytis, bręsti, gyventi amžinai jau čia ir dabar.



Santrauka? FFFFFF

Pavaizdavimai? E6E6FF

Asmeniškai? BA9696

Darbai FFFFC0

Išsiaiškinimai D8F1D8

Duomenys? FFE6E6

Užrašai EEEEEE

Nuojauta? AAAAAA

Kitų mintys? ECD9EC

Dievas man? FFECC0

Mieli dalyviai! Visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius



Pranas Jakys taip pat Pranas Lukys

Kretingoje vadovavo žudymui

Tilžės gestapas




Į Prūsija įtraukti Lietuvos pasienį - taip pat Suvalkijoje

Also to note is a plan of the presiding authority of the government to erect a protective area [strip] along the former Soviet-Russian border that runs through the district Gumbinnen for the purpose of policing. Regarding this, suggestions will be drawn up for taking over various Soviet-Russian border areas and integrating them into the district of Gumbinnen. These suggestions will be submitted very shortly to the Supreme Commander and District Leader [of the Nazi Party] in Königsberg.


The source linked by Jonathan Harris is less interesting for what he has quoted than for what he has not quoted.

For example, this excerpt from a paper in the same source by Jürgen Matthäus:

LOCAL DYNAMICS Despite postwar statements to the contrary by some of the perpetrators, Stahlecker and top Berlin officials (Heydrich and Heinrich Himmler) were informed about and agreed to these first killings only afterward[my emphasis]; the initiative seems to have come from local German SS and police officers who had been called in by the Wehrmacht to secure the area.21 While they had no knowledge of high-level decisions, these officers anticipated superior approval for “drastic measures” against a potential threat. They decided on these measures based on the perception, firmly embedded in Nazi ideology, of Jews as the archenemy, and also upon the opportunity created by the war of destruction against communist Russia. Their superiors in Berlin were more than willing to sanction the initiatives taken in the field and to point to these new, radical measures as a model for how security matters should be handled along the front line. As a result of the interaction between periphery and center, German policy in the occupied parts of the Soviet Union progressively increased in violence. Working closely with the Einsatzgruppen, the Wehrmacht followed a similarly destructive agenda behind the front line while other agencies―most notably the German civil administration, which was established in summer 1941 in the Reichskommissariat Ostland as a regional institution of Alfred Rosenberg’s Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories―adapted to the general course of anti- Jewish policy in the occupied parts of the Soviet Union and added to its destructive dynamic.22

It would appear that Matthäus accepts that the fiirst wave of killings in Lithuania, in the first days after the Soviet retreat, was not under the control of Stahlecker or ordered by him, contrary to what Stahlecker later claimed.

Just what I have been saying.


Naujausi pakeitimai

Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2012 lapkričio 02 d., 07:26