疑虑 | Yílǜ |
Abejonės sulaukia ar nesulaukia dėmesio. Dvejonės valdo dėmesį, sustato į ką galima kreipti dėmesį. Tai sustato proto santykinį ryšį su kūnu. Savęs suvokimu dėmesys sulygina poreikių atskirtą savastį už kurią atsakome ir savastį kuria atsakome. Užtat išsiskiria (Dievo bei asmens) požiūris, kreipiantis dėmesį, ir būklė-padėtis, į kurią kreipiamas dėmesys. Taip atsiranda Dievo ir jo požiūrio galimybė.
Dėmesys kreipiamas linksniais. Vardininkas, naudininkas, galininkas dalyvauja dėmesyje, jį kreipia arba jo sulaukia. Jais dėmesys plaukia. Įnagininkas, kilimininkas, vietininkas nedalyvauja dėmesyje tačiau jie būtent jį kreipia. Panašiai, išgyvenimo rūšys yra teigiami ir neigiami, jų akstinas yra tai kas yra (kuriuo plaukia dėmesys) arba tai kas nėra (kas kreipia dėmesį).
Abejonės išreiškiamos trimis protais.
Abejonės išsako protų vertinimus, kaip pasaulis atrodo protams, ir kaip žemesnis protas atrodo aukštesniam protui.
Pasąmonė nemato kitų protų, sąmonė mato pasąmone, o sąmoningumas mato tiek pasąmonę, tiek sąmonę. Poreikiais pasąmonė ir sąmonė įsivaizduoja tris protus, o abejonėmis pasąmonė, sąmonė, sąmoningumas vertina vienas kito darbą.
Tai yra trijų veiksmų santykiai - taip pat palyginti su padalinimų kilme iš dvejonių
Drausti, tai versti abejoti.
Penkta abejonė turėtų būti neigiama, Ar iš tikrųjų neprotinga?, taip kad paskutinės trys abejonės yra visos neigiamos.
Širdis sako, Taip, tai neprotinga, nepajėgiu svarstyti, o pasaulis sako, Taip, tai neprotinga, pajėgiu svarstyti.
Šešios abejonės
Note that this is the graph K3,3 with nine edges (seven of which we use) which is one of the two smallest nonplanar graphs that are included in all nonplanar graphs.
===God as {{Anything}}===
We may conceive God as anything. God as anything is certain. Things are just as he wishes. But we conceive this by thinking that everything wishes for something.
The structural context for certainty is that there can be doubts.
Counterquestions address these doubts.
Counterquestions let us go beyond ourselves as to what we care about, they let us take the perspective that is certain.
We thereby care about our own point of view, which manifests itself as our relationship with others.
God is certain, he wishes for something, things are just as he wants. Good is Not Wishing-for-something, and is expressed by responses to doubts. The Wishing-for-something is expressed by subject-object-process and the Not is the distinction of their being without or within a system.
without system | within system | |
subject | agent | instrument |
object | beneficiary | theme, patient |
process | goal, experience | location |
With regard to the good, we get the doubts:
Each of the doubts relates two perspectives. These perspectives are distinguished by responses to the doubts, counterquestions which discriminate between them, which is from the heart, and which is from the world?
Here the null for life is Why, which from God's point of view is the question Why? This question arises in the counterquestions:
This is a choice between the perspective of the heart (God) and of the world (life). The choices of the world correspond to the topologies: object - it seems to me, process - should not be doing anything else, subject - it makes a difference. The other three counterquestions seem to express taking a stand, following through and reflecting.
One way that we approach Everything is that Everything wishes for Something (Not Everything). In other words, Everything is certain. Things are exactly as Everything wishes.
Our minds are not able to directly conceive of all things being exactly as wished. There is nothing here for us to conceive! Instead, our mind provides us with a structural context, which is that we can have various doubts . We either ignore these doubts, or we take them seriously and acknowledge that we cannot trust our experience. We address our doubts by raising counterquestions that help us find our bearings. One of these counterquestions is What do I truly want? This counterquestion expresses the state of mind which grants that all things are exactly as wished for.
Counterquestions allow us to take up the perspective of another, and so to care about others.
The seven issues are raised by the seven doubts : 1. Do I truly like this? 2. Do I truly need this? 3. Is this truly real? 4. Is this truly problematic? 5. Is this truly reasonable? 6. Is this truly wrong? 7. Am I truly anxious? [11/00, Andrius Kulikauskas]
The counterquestions are questions that we can ask to find our bearings when we cannot rely on our experience because we suspect that we may be brainwashed. For example, suppose I start to wonder, "Am I a robot?" I can ask the counterquestion, "Would it make any difference?" If it does make a difference, then I can look for that difference, and if it doesn't make a difference, then it's of no consequence. The counterquestion helps me find my bearings, regardless of the answer. There are eight counterquestions: 0. What do I truly want? 1. How does it seem to me? 2. What else should I be doing? 3. Would it make any difference? 4. What do I have control over? 5. Am I able to consider the question? 6. Is this the way things should be? 7. Am I doing anything about this? The counterquestions address the corresponding doubts , for example, the counterquestion 3.Would it make any difference? addresses doubts of the form 3.Is this truly real? Interestingly, the answer to the counterquestion is always independent of the answer to the doubt, so the two questions can be thought of as orthogonal. Structurally, each counterquestion can be understood as a different way of placing a perspective (of God, a person in general, a particular person) in a situation (of a person in general, a particular person, the world). See Andrius Kulikauskas on the Counterquestions . [10/00, Andrius Kulikauskas]
The counterquestions distinguish between the perspectives of the {{heart}} and the {{World}}, or more broadly, between EternalLife and {{Life}}. Note that the heart is what is left in the absence of God, and the world is what is left in the absence of human.
Counterquestions are a foundation for learnability. Each counterquestion defines a domain of new knowledge where we had no facts that we could rely on.
Stephen Covey. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Jėzaus antitezės
Consider the WaysOfCaring. Here, everything is caring for its own perspective.
Bendravimas su smurtingaisiais
We can often model our intuition as a set of principles that express the counterquestions. For example, a different counterquestion resonates in each of the principles of nonviolent engagement:
abejonių (ir ženklų savybių) trejybės ratas (kas yra - teigiami akstinai)
abejonių (ir ženklų savybių) sąmoningumo lygmenys (ko trūksta - neigiami akstinai)
Pagrindai besąlygiškumui: dvejonės (kaip savarankiškasis Dievas jas išgyvena), tad padalinimai.
Iš tikrųjų (tiesa) - savarankiškojo Dievo požiūris. Betarpiškai - užtikrinto Dievo požiūris. Pastoviai - ramaus Dievo požiūris. Prasmingai - mylinčio Dievo požiūris.
Abejonės susijusios su išgyvenimų rūšimis ir su linksniais, nusako tikrumo pagrindus
I don't know what to say regarding the problem of how all such knowledge might be misused. I just think that it's fair to expect God to take care of a lot of this. Certainly if we ourselves are proceeding in good will, so that's always important to check. Also, my feeling and experience is that the truly deep knowledge is available only through our purity of heart, our clarity of purpose. So that in itself is a check on misuse. Finally, how can we know that hesitating is any better than pursuing?
Abejonės ir išgyvenimų rūšys