Ką Dievui reiškia būtinumas?
Dievo būtinumas ir nebūtinumas Dievo būtinumas
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Būtinumas ir nebūtinumas Būtinumas
Būtinumui svarbios sąvokos
Dievo tyrimas, ar Dievas būtinas? Pirmapradis Dievas
Dievo požiūris ir visko požiūris
Dievo klausimas
Dievo išvertimai
Dievas nebūtinas! Manau, kad šitaip galim išvesti visas mano pastebėtas sandaras. Tačiau tuomet Dievas kaip Kitas yra ne viskas, užtat Dievas (iš ko belieka Meilė) nėra būtina sąvoka. Tad kaip suprantam Dievą? Dievas, buvimas ir apimtys
Dievo paneigimas mums primeta suvokimą, tiesą laikantį Dievu. Kitas yra visiškai laisvas, ir gali tiesa gyventi visų labui, susikalbėti, nelyg pasiklydęs vaikas suprasti, jog reikia eiti ten kur tėvai jo ieškos. Pasiklydęs vaikas ir susikalbėjimas
Kaip ir kodėl keičiasi asmuo? Ar jį keičia nulybės atvaizdų paneigimas? Ar tai sąlygoja perėjimą iš paklusimo į tikėjimą į rūpėjimą? Asmenų lygtis? Kaip sandarų šeimos apibrėžia asmenis? Kaip jos iš viso dalyvauja apibrėžime? Kaip ir kodėl keičiasi apimtis?? Apimtį keičia vienybės atvaizdų, visko savybių paneigimas. Apimtis išsako lygmenį, jos apimtį, kiek jos nariai suvaržyti, apibrėžti, apibrėžimo lygį: dvasios-nulybės (viskas), sandaros (betkas), atvaizdų (kažkas), vienybės (niekas). Nulybės apimtis yra viskas, o vienybės yra niekas. Kaip tai siejasi su vienumu, su tai, kad Dievas yra vienų vienas? Dievas išeina už savęs į savo požiūrį; Visaregyje Mano požiūris yra visuma būtent santvarkoje; pirminėse sandarose Tavo požiūrį gali priimti Dievo požiūris, gali sutapti; antrinėse sandarose Kito požiūris yra atitrūkęs nuo visumos, yra dalinis. Septynerybė/aštuonerybė bene išreiškia asmens lygtį? susieja ir atskiria? ar tai susiję su išskyrimais (distinctions)? Laisvumas sąlygoja aplinką; tapatumas sąlygoja aplinkos aplinką; tobulumas sąlygojas aplinkos aplinkos aplinką. Savastis (Self) yra Asmuo. Tad galim paklausti ar Asmuo sutampa su Dievu? Dievas, išeidamas už savęs į Save, tampa Asmenimi, tarsi platesne sąvoka. O ar Asmuo yra Dievas? Jei ne, tai Dievas nebūtinas. Ar gali būti Kitas, atkirstas nuo Dievo? Ar tai tik laikina, sąlygiška? Malda "Tėve Mūsų" ir aštuongubis kelias išsako tą sąlygiškumą, ar turim ar neturim ryšio su Dievu? Ar esam ar nesam nuo jo atkirsti? Dievas yra Dievas, o Visaregiu Dievas yra Aš, išgyvenantys tą patį; pirminėmis sandaromis Dievas yra Tu, su kuriuo galim bendrauti; antrinėmis sandaromis Dievas yra Kitas, kuris tomis pačioms sandaromis suprastas atskirai nuo mūsų. Dievas Tėvas supranta dėl to, kad jo buvimo įrodyme išsiskiria prielaida (santvarkoje) ir išdava (už santvarkos), tad juos atskiria, save atskiria, save supranta. Įdomu, kaip tai palyginti su Dievo Sūnaus susivokimu? ir bendrai suprasta Dievu Dvasia? kaip tai yra tas pats suvokimas, bene prielaidų ir išdavų atskyrimas? Ir koks ryšys tarp prielaidos ir santvarkos? Ką tai reiškia, įsivaizduojant Dievą, kaip visų prielaidų prileidžiantįjį? Scope is where God is not, yet he arises. God's overcoming his negation is expressed by the RepresentationOfTheOnesome. Negating this RepresentationOfTheOnesome leads to a narrower Scope where he does not overcome. He must step inside by way of a RepresentationOfTheNullsome by which he goes beyond himself into Scope as ever present within it. This yields structure for a perspective and thus a Person. But negating God - negating NullActivity - distinguishes the Person from God and introduces an obstacle between them. Yet the Person overcomes the obstacle to God by the RepresentationOfTheOnesome, by choosing God over Self. Negating this overcoming, this ability to choose, this understanding, yields smaller Scope (of NotGod) and then a new Person. He arises by way of a RepresentationOfTheNullsome by which he has always been there. Person is that which has the Perspective of God who has gone beyond himself. Thus Scope is wher
(everything without external context; God pulls back by way of the Omniscope as Observer from ObservationalPlane in twenty-four ways; global God projects in by way of PrimaryStructures and engages local God on one of four planes; God is within the SecondaryStructures where other is completely surrounded by System but there is some part with which it can identify God who is beyond the system) as (God, Everything, Wishes, Love)
Each level defines a Structure that is given by a shift in the properties of NotGod. Structure is driven by its purpose of allowing God to be both within and beyond system (for example, by diverging himself from himself, or distinguishing himself from himself, or dividing himself from himself). In each case, NotGod interferes with the structure and thus a new structure is needed. Suppose NotGod has the same properties as God. NotGod is in the Scope of Everything. ... Yet he is one with God beyond scope by Good, by GoingBeyondOneself ... ... view Nothing (thus simply to have a view, a Perspective that is a Position). ... dismissing required concept - presuming Separation - yielding All - All is BeingOneWith God by way of Experiencing ... the next structure Everything (whether knowledge) is given by the lack of necessity placed in the SecondaryStructures on the view of Nothing... thus allowing for the presumption of a unity of view across all levels. Structure gives the difference between the expression of God (whose NullActivity is given by the RepresentationOfTheOnesome) and God in NotGod (whose NullActivity is given by the RepresentationOfTheNullsome). The latter has one Perspective and it changes along with Scope. Structure revolves around this perspective, which moves from God to I to You to Other with changes in scope. It is also the connection between Extent and Grounds. It is also expressing the Position of God. God is a companion for the Perspective (for example, I of the Omniscope) and his identifiying with this Perspective is the NullActivity which yields Structure and which is the activity of the persons of the Trinity (for example, Wisdom in the case of the Omniscope). Note that Structure (RepresentationsOfTheOnesome) has Person go from within system to beyond system, yielding a Perspective. Whereas NullActivity (RepresentationsOfTheNullsome) has God seep from beyond system to within system, and that God's presence is given by the NullActivity (as what is significant; constant; direct; true; thus that there is something beyond system; thus if we deny all the properties that take us beyond the system, then we deny that there is a system within. Man rūpi kaip susiveda. Yra keturi lygmenys kaip susiveda. O yra šeši lygmenys kaip nesusiveda, tai nesusivedimai, paradoksai ir nesusiveda dėl to, kad du lygmenys supainiojami.
Raimundas Vaitkevičius: Ar Dievas gali išnykti? RaimundasVaitkevicius: Is God mortal? If God is almighty than He could create such a world that could exist without Him. Then He could destroy Himself (because He is almighty). If yes, how can we be sure that He hadn't done this? What's wrong in this reasoning? Andrius: I think there is nothing wrong with this reasoning. I think it is in fact the truth. This is the natural challenge for an almighty God. Not merely to be, but to be necessarily. This means that God would exist even if he were not to exist. I think the physical world is like this. It appears like an arena that was created without a God. But I imagine that ultimately God emerges from this. It is like a chess game where the total victory becomes more and more certain as the many variations report their outcomes. God is prior to logic. He can pursue multiple lines simultaneously. So we also imagine there is a spiritual world where God always is. But the interesting developments I think are in the physical world. God is closely related to everything. I think all things are true of everything. It is alive. It is dead. It is mortal. It is immortal. There is no internal structure to constrain it. I think that with God there are things that we can say are true and not, for God is not exactly everything, but the unity of the representations of everything, which can be taken as the coherence of everything. In this sense, I think the ultimate truth of this coherence is that God is alive. See also the story Puss in Boots where the cat tricks the dragon to turn into a mouse because it can.
BūtinasNaujausi pakeitimai 网站 Įvadas #E9F5FC Klausimai #FFFFC0 Teiginiai #FFFFFF Kitų mintys #EFCFE1 Dievas man #FFECC0 Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius |
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2021 spalio 24 d., 11:10