Iš Gvildenu svetainės

Mintys: DievasSūnus

Jėzus, Jėzaus pasisakymai, Jėzaus logika, Jėzaus mįslės, Jėzaus žinojimo rūmai


Tirti Jėzaus mąstymą.

Išrašyti visa ką esu išmąstęs ir ištyręs apie jį.

Pradžia ir pabaiga

Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Jų sujungimas.

Tobulumo ir tapatumo sujungimas.

Su Jėzumi esu susijęs šias savokas:

AndriusKulikauskas: I grew up in a Christian family and accept Christ as a fundamental concept. I share my conception here. Please share yours!

Jėzus Kristus

In this sense, Jesus Christ represents the choice between being a Person-in-particular, focused on what makes us Different, or a Person-in-general, focused on what makes us the Same. As a person-in-general we live hyperflexibly, ready for the good to come from any direction.

We presumably start life as such a person-in-general but very early on become attached to ourselves as a person-in-particular (I think of this as our original sin). At some point (perhaps in childhood, perhaps later) we realize that as a person-in-particular we are irreparably dysfunctional, we are not able to fix ourselves (we are sinners). We come to realize that we have a clear choice as to how we may live: We may abandon ourselves and prefer to have the perfect person - a person-in-general - live through us. Once we realize this, and make this choice, we have a different approach to life - this is baptism, a rebirth. We may focus on our recognition of the difference as a seminal event, as do the Protestants. Or we may focus on continuously exercising this choice in every act of our lives, as do the Catholics. What is important is that we do choose to live as a person-in-general.

It is significant that Jesus Christ is not just a theoretical possibility, but is a practical possibility. What matters I think is not the historical fact, the historical person, but rather the practical fact that we have the possibility to live as such (and through such) a person. This practical fact is made evident through his challenging wisdom (as in the Sermon on the Mount) which is greater than the human mind itself yields, and hence is of a greater origin. It is a wisdom that comes from goodness rather than intelligence.

To Believe in such a perfect person - as in following that person - is one means of choosing the will of God over our own.

Jėzaus jauduliai

I investigated the EmotionalResponses by considering Jesus's emotions and expectations by [http://www.ms.lt/ms/projects/reasonfeatures/991104markemotion.html sorting episodes in the Gospel of Mark]: [http://www.ms.lt/ms/join/000101goodwill.html Addressing the Good in Others].

His inner expectation is that people care about the signified rather than the sign. His outer expectation is that people believe in God in their hearts rather than recognize him in the world.

I think that Jesus's DeepestValue in life is BeingOneWith.

Žmogaus sūnus

Jėzus gal turėjo mintyje šią Pamokslininko citatą, pagal kurią žmogaus sūnus yra siekiantysis gyvenimo išminties:

Palyginimų turiniai

Jėzaus žinojimo rūmai


Keith Essex skirstymas

2005.01.03 A: Kaip mes renkamės Kristų vietoj savęs? D: Mano sūnus yra mylintis, ir jūs norite būti mylinčiais, kaip ir aš jus myliu. Yra taip. Mylėk.

2004.12.16 A: Koks Kristaus vaidmuo žmogaus pasaulėžiūroje? D: Per mano sūnų jūs susikalbate su manim. A: O kaip tu susikalbi su mumis? D: Visa Trejybe.

2004.11.30 A: Koks Kristaus vaidmuo žmogui gyvenant širdimi? K: Aš esu tas kuris priima kito žmogaus širdį, ją randa kitame ir jame gyvena. A: Ar tu esi septynerybė? D: Taip, taip kaip tu supranti, tikrai taip.

Parsiųstas iš http://www.ms.lt/sodas/Mintys/DievasS%c5%abnus
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2024 rugsėjo 26 d., 10:45