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Mintys: Dvasia

Neapibrėžtumas, Priėmimas, Gyvenimo lygtis, Viena, David Kankiewicz, Distinction

Kokia yra dvasios veikla?

Kas yra dvasia?

Dvasios pavyzdžiai

Kokia yra dvasios veikla?



I've been wondering, What is spirit?

I got a helpful reply from James at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lovingGod/, he directed me to Baker's Theological Dictionary, presumed copyright. So I share my question, and my thoughts, also with our working group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/consideringGod/

The aspect of spirit that I think is core is its "unhinderedness". As Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, "the wind blows wherever it pleases". You can't tell where it comes, and where it goes.

Spirit is also that which is more than the sum of the parts. I think, though, that this is part of it being unhindered. It is that which is free to go beyond the body, or apart from the body.

It dawned on me today that "spirit" is what I mean by "unity of representations", which I have also called "coherence" or "necessity". In particular:

For me, "representations" are perspectives which are held from beyond. In the cases above: beyond everything, beyond anything, beyond slack. So if there is a unity of representations, that is quite amazing. It says that it is able to define itself, not merely with regard to itself, (as in the case of structure), but with regard to all that is or might be beyond it. That "unity" is "spirit". And things that have "spirit" are those whose nature is founded beyond itself.

To say that "God is the spirit of everything" is not, I think, a "pantheism". It does not reduce God to everything, but rather, says that God is the foundation for everything that transcends it. It is the coherence of everything, the necessity of everything, which points beyond everything, to the extent that there is or might be anything to point to.

Whereas what I mean by "structure" is that which defines itself. Which is still quite amazing. It involves a "unity of properties" where the properties are perspectives upon itself that can be defined and known by their structural relationships with each other.

Structure is what is possible, spirit is what is necessary. I will think more about the relation between the two. And also about "system". Because "good is the spirit in the system", but also now "good is the spirit of slack". Analogously, "God is spirit" and "God is the spirit of everything". So I want to think of the relationship between system and slack, and between everything as implicit and explicit.

Also, the thought comes up that "spirit", as the unity of representations, helps explain what may be thought to be alive. Consider the moon. It has properties of itself (such as its reflectivity), and representations (such as the sunny portion of the moon). By these thoughts, the moon is "alive" to the extent that there is a unity of its representations, which is to say, it hangs together with regard to the rest of the universe. The moon is, in some sense, not simply a random fleeting collection of molecules. What more is it, then? That is the "spirit" of the moon. That, with regard to everything, it has a coherence, a necessity, it hangs together. And it can do so only by having a life, with all the murkiness of life, regarding boundaries, identity, etc. It is a system with regard to any system that it might find itself within. So I will think more about what is system, and how do they interact?


Older note: AndriusKulikauskas: Here I am thinking of spirit as the inverse of structure, so that Everything is the structure of God. Another way to think of spirit is as the Unity of the Representations of Structure. This is I think the human way to think of spirit, but it assumes that the Threesome is cyclic.

2005.04.09 A: Koks ryšys tarp laisvumo ir dvasios bei sandaros? D: Dvasia gyvena per sandarą. Ji gali sutapti su ja arba nesutapti.

2006.03.18 A: Kas yra dvasia? D: Dvasia yra tai, kas yra viena su.

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Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2022 gegužės 02 d., 15:14