Kas yra gyvenimas? Gyvenimas yra, pagal gyvenimo lygtį:
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Gyvenimas yra buvimas šalia Dievo
Gyvenimas, kaip pamatinė sąvoka Gyvenimas yra artimai susijęs su mano kertine vertybe, gyventi tiesa. I'm focusing on Life as my central concept, trying to connect all other concepts with it. This brings out for me the most basic concepts: Life, God, Good, Love, Will, Wish, Choose, and technical fundamentals like everything, anything, something, nothing, slack, unity, representation. Thinking about Good like this has helped me bring in two more concepts: Be-one-with and Scope. What is your CentralConcept? And what other concepts ripple out from it? Andrius, http://www.ms.lt I am pulling together various thoughts. Now I am focusing on Life as my central concept. I want to see how all the other concepts ripple out from that. I suppose this is a turning point for me. I started twenty years ago with Everything as my starting point, my first absolute, my anchor. And that lead me to think of the divisions of everything, and then their representations, and many kinds of structure. But they all lead towards Life, which is what I've always wanted to understand. Maybe this was helpful because I got to work with absolutes, rather than try to think about life when I had no way to know or say what it truly is. I think of Life as the fact that God is good, and technically, as the unity of the representations of anything. The latter means, for me, the coherence of anything. If we take all the ways of looking at anything, and take their unity, then we have Life. I still have a lot of work to do to clarify this, but I have found it very helpful, and it fits well with a definition of God as the unity of the representations of everything, and good as the unity of the representations of slack. Susijusios sąvokos I drew out some of my recent thoughts, such as that:
(everything wishes for: nothing, something, anything, everything)
(anything chooses: to wish for nothing, something, anything, everything; to wish; to not wish) They suggest that representation are wishes (in the context of everything) and choices (in the context of anything). So I looked for some analogues for Good. I think we can think of the representations of slack (increasing and decreasing) as "scopes", namely, unbounded and bounded. "increasing slack" is "slack has scope unbounded" and "decreasing slack" is "slack has scope bounded". What is the "unity of slack's scopes"? I think it is "to-be-one-with". That is a key concept that needs to be included. I think "to-be-one-with" included a sense that is both bounded and unbounded. I think this works very well, for just as we have that: Life is that God is good, anything is everything plus slack, So we have that: Will is that to Love is to Be-one-with Choose is that to Wish is to Scope. I'm particularly glad that this brings out the parallel between Loving and Being-one-with. They are not quite the same, but they need to be equated. And that is very much an act of will! Attach:unityofrepresentations.gif Δ Jautrumas - jaudulių matmuo To be sensitive is to go beyond one's {{Self}} and be affected by that. It is to have a {{View}}. To be alive is to be sensitive and {{Responsive}}. Užrašai
Koks ryšys tarp gyvybės ir mūsų santykio su tavimi? D: Esu riba kaip peilis nupjaustantis tavo ranką kol jai pakartotinai ataugus įpranti per šį bangavimą suvokti jog esi ir už savęs. 2004.11.10 A: Kaip mes renkamės gerumą vietoj gyvenimo? {{D}}: Jūs pastebite mūsų ryšį - mūsų susikalbėjimą - išliekantį visuose jo lygmenyse. Aš jus tuo ir myliu, savo išliekančiu vieningumu. |
GyvenimasNaujausi pakeitimai 网站 Įvadas #E9F5FC Klausimai #FFFFC0 Teiginiai #FFFFFF Kitų mintys #EFCFE1 Dievas man #FFECC0 Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius |
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2023 rugsėjo 19 d., 13:11