Išgyvenimų rūšių pavyzdžiai Esamybė: Esu priežastis. Patinka. Lankstus. Raida Žodis (daugiaprasmis) žmoguje: padalinimas. kabinkis - Dievo šlove - Esu prisikėlimas ir gyvenimas. (šuolis) Palaiminti liūdintys, jie bus paguosti. Doug Binkley: It was when I was young, maybe seventeen or eighteen, visiting relatives who lived on a lake. It was winter. I was bored and went for a walk outside. Feeling indestructible, I went out on the frozen lake and marched all around thinking great thoughts - I thought. I then noticed on my way back to the house open water in front of me. I collected myself and backed off, going by a different route to the shore. I accounted myself fortunate to not have had a serious accident. Meaningful: The fact that in my mind I had narrowly "escaped death" led me to think I might be somehow special. Meaning arose: From the dynamic of a potential disaster averted, and both the thought that this could be destiny and/or an indication I could extricate myself from danger through reason and maybe more caution. Consequences: It possibly led to making decisions based on a feeling of being destined for great things - only, of course, to have the expectations dashed. Andrius Kulikauskas: When I was 44 years old, I lived with a Lithuanian family in the countryside. My feelings started growing for their 17 year old daughter, stronger than for any other woman, and they seemed to me inappropriate. I confronted God, why was he putting me through this, what did he want? God said that I was going to marry her. It was not something I could have ever thought, but I accepted it. I told her that I intended to marry her, and I told her parents and mine as well. I had to leave their home. Meaningful: I was able to believe in something that I would never allow myself to think. Meaning arose: From feelings that drove me to ask God his purpose. Consequences: I learned who I wish to marry, and lost my home and upset my relationship with my parents, but I kept in touch with her on-and-off, which kept me happy when I was in the US, dealing with the pain of ending my business, leaving my country, losing my job and going bankrupt. Suvokti priežastingumą. Yra kaip yra, nes yra kažkas daugiau.
Galimybė: Esu apsisprendimas Reikalinga. Pakitus. Žemėlapynas: Visumos savybės gali skirtis nuo dalių savybių. Vertybė (veikianti) žmoguje: atvaizdas. gauk daugiau nei reikia - Dievo ketinimu. Esu avių vartai. Palaiminti romieji, jie paveldės žemę. Bob: When an article on my journal on the meaning of life was published in the Chicago Tribune. Meaningful: This article reached many people about this topic. Meaning arose: I got tremendous recognition for the idea and a personal sense of recognition. Consequences: 3,400 people subscribed to my journal and heard about it in other media. Laura Shaeffer: Inviting the elderly Chinese community into our third floor space for the winter, to do their daily dance of vitality. Meaningful: It brought a demographic, a group of people inside our community home who we would otherwise never have known in such an intimate setting. It built trust and relationships where language was not possible. Meaning arose: The meaning arose many times. Once when I watched them file in on a cold and snowy morning - smiling and hugging me, another time when they wanted to show gratitude to us for inviting them - they threw a big potluck dinner and every single one performed for the group - when it was over - they made me perform for them. Consequences: We had become vulnerable to each other, we ate each other's food and we listened to each other with respect. We now HUG on the streets when we see each other. Sherry Williams: Crossing the street (1000 block of West 59th St, Chicago, IL from South side of the street to North side). Meaningful: I met families that were not a part of my family nucleus. I learned how to socialize, cook recipes not provided by my mom, saw how large families interact with limited resources. Meaning arose: I noticed the family across the street had a front porch that they used for recreation, homework, hair braiding. Consequences: I became aware of how bonds in communities are formed and strengthened. How cultural practices are passed, how faith is practiced. Francesca: My niece was born to my 20 year old brother and his 19 year old girlfriend. Meaningful: A new life was brought into mine. One which would grow in my presence, closer to me than any child had ever been since I had been a child myself. Meaning arose: With every day she grew and changed and learned her surroundings. Consequences: I could no longer leave my family for any extended period of time. I can no longer keep from smiling at children. Rene: Sports in Belize opened up opportunities.
Siekiamybė: Esu pavyzdys Tikra. Judrus. Šventraštis: Dėmesys iškreipia vaizdą. (Teigiamas tampa neigiamu, papildinių dviprasmybė.) Vertybė (atsirenkantis) žodyje: aplinkybė. venk kraštutinumų - Dievo pavyzdžiu. Esu kelias, tiesa ir gyvenimas. Palaiminti alkstantys ir trokštantys teisybės, jie bus pasotinti. Sherry Williams: Learning to pray. Meaningful: Elder women in the church provided nurturing guidance in how the relationship in Christ is deepened by honest, heartfelt, love for God. Meaning arose: I was an unwed pregnant teen who had been in church all my life, but did not know how to pray my own prayers. Consequences: I have a profound consciousness and love of God. I pray without restraint. Andrius Kulikauskas: I wanted to have a channel to listen to God because I was organizing practical activity and responsible for others. I thought there must be a way and I was inspired by Kangning Liou's example. I thought what would be most straightforward and remembered "Our Father" and how I liked it but only parts would resonate. I realized it might overload me so I tried it out and it worked and I experienced that God can speak to me. Meaningful: I have achieved a direct relationship with God that I enjoyed all my life. Meaning arose: I wanted it and it was in the most available place and I just had to devote myself and it was mine. Consequences: I learned to know when God is with me or not, became very tuned an at peace, humble. Bob: When my son was born, I had a flash of intuition when looking at him one day that what I most wanted out of life was that it have meaningfulness. Meaningful: The realization that meaning is the greatest value for all people. I had a bit of depression beforehand. Meaning arose: As an intuition. Consequences: I eventually published a quarterly journal on the meaning of life nad made it the focus of my life and teaching.
Nesamybė: Esu jautrumas. Keblu. Įsimintinas. Metraštis: Prieštaravimas gali būti dalinio pobūdžio. Dvasia vertybėje: pagrindimas. rinkis gerą vietoj blogo - Dievo meile. Esu gerasis ganytojas. Palaiminti gailestingieji, jie sulauks gailestingumo. Francesca: I stood in a circle with friends and acquaintances and strangers holding hands around our freshly prepared meal on an extinct volcano in the tropics at night in silence. Meaningful: The sounds of the animals, insects and trees in the wind. Meaning arose: From a warm group of happy people. Consequences: I no longer believe in silence. Laura Shaeffer: When my old boyfriend's (my 1st love's) father who was like my surrogate grandfather or father I never had, allowed me to sit with him and draw him when he was dying of cancer. He allowed me to hold his hand and take care of him, he allowed me to be there at his most vulnerable and fragile. Meaningful: I felt intense unspoken care, we both were able to be with each other in silence and confront ourselves with loss - together. Meaning arose: Through quiet time together, his family, (no longer "mine" - I had separated from my boyfriend) invited me to be with him before he died. He died the day after I left. Consequences: I learned how to let go of someone I love with grace and dignity. Rene: Death of family members. Meaningful: The feeling of losing someone you love or care for. Meaning arose: Life is precious. Consequences: Be good to everybody, enjoy life. Andrius Kulikauskas: I wanted to do what might be most useful. I wanted to know everything and apply that knowledge usefully. However, I thought that could lead me astray. I offered to God that if he gave me the freedom to think freely, I would always believe in him. It seemed right. I considered if I needed a sign, but told him my sign is that he didn't give me a sign. Meaningful: I found a way to include God even though I had no contact from him but I could lean on him. Meaning arose: I let go of my point of view, saw that it could be harmful and found another point of view to oversee it. Consequences: I had a reference point for my entire life that I could leverage that helped me grow. Anonymous: I was a young person of thirteen or so, very interested in chess. An older man in the neighborhood invited me into his house to play chess. After a couple of games he sort of intimidated me to get into bed with him. It was not - luckily - a really horrible thing, just a situation where unwanted cuddling was involved. Also luckily nothing more came of it. Meaningful: It made me suspicious of people and their motives all of my life. It made me extremely grateful to be alive. Meaning arose: From the situation of being and feeling nearly helpless and humiliated. Consequences: (See: Meaningful) Anonymous: Being homeless. Meaningful: Never thought I would be without shelter. I had a husband and family members with resources. This was the first time I depended on God. Meaning arose: I was committed to survival. Living in a house with crazy people is not healthy. Consequences: I met a woman (a stranger) who gave me keys to her office to live with my daughter. Help can come from unexpected places. Anonymous: I moved to a bad neighborhood. I got on the wrong bus, got off and needed help to find my way. I saw a man with a dog, and realized that he was the one I should approach. He was helpful.
Negalimybė: Esu susitelkimas. Protinga. Reikšmingas. Žinynas: Aprašymas gali suvaržyti laisvę. Teiginys gali save paneigti. Dvasia žodyje, susitarime: įvardijimas. rinkis geresnį vietoj blogesnio - Dievo darbais. Esu pasaulio šviesa. Palaiminti tyraširdžiai, jie regės Dievą. Bob: When I beat a college that wanted to fire me (philosophy). Meaningful: That I succeeded over much bigger powers. Meaning arose: From an idea I got on how to increase enrollments by publicity. Consequences: I saved my job teaching. Anonymous: I had just gotten done essentially getting a theatre ready to open, after a huge expense - compared to my day job salary - and time and effort. I really felt a deep feeling of pride and accomplishment. Meaningful: It proved that I could at least complete something of substance that physically could not be denied. Meaning arose: From the effort that went into it. Consequences: 4 to 5 more years of struggle and being beaten down by the indifference and sometimes downright malevolence of society and other people. Anonymous: Trying to get pregnant in 2009 and having my daughter in 2011. Meaningful: It was that I couldn't rush what was not planned for me at that time. Meaning arose: The meaning arose when I realized it wasn't time for me to get pregnant at that time. Consequences: The consequences were that when I miscarried the first 3 times.
Nesiekiamybė: Esu pasitaisymas. Neteisinga. Tikslingas. Klajonė Dvasia žmoguje: pasakojimas. rinkis geriausią vietoj kitų - Dievo įsakymu. Esu tikrasis vynmedis. Palaiminti taikdariai, jie bus vadinami Dievo vaikais. Andrius Kulikauskas: I was addicted to masturbation and I thought it was not good but I didn't know how to overcome it. I challenged it in many ways and realized my mind was not my friend. I realized that it was the challenge that was most important, not the success. Meaningful: I clarified my desire. Meaning arose: I commited to challenging. Consequences: I became at peace and chaste. Laura Schaeffer: When my child forgave me after I lost my temper and smacked him. Meaningful: Although I felt horrible that I could have reacted so badly and hurt my own most beloved child, thinking that I was the worst mother ever, I saw that no matter what I did - his heart could forgive and I was very deeply moved by his love. Meaning arose: I apologized to him and he cut me off and said, "I forgive you mommy". Consequences: Our relationship deepened, I was able to see my weaknesses and tell him about them and he was able to forgive me - therefore - perhaps he might forgive himself someday. Francesca: I pulled my hair back and looked in the mirror and for a second saw myself as another person. Meaningful: I have always seen myself as myself and not someone I am looking at. Meaning arose: When I didn't acknowledge my appearance instantly as "me". Consequences: I was made more physically aware of the fact that I am the same as everybody else.
Supratau, jog mano aplinkybės, bendrystė, pastangos taikstytis yra svetimos mano dvasiai. Esu tyras, išskirtinas ir mano elgesys ir vertinimai privalo iš to išplaukti. Supratau, kad galiu nesilaikyti sau ar kitiems įprasto elgesio, net ir nesusigaudymas savyje, galiu elgtis, reikštis savitai, išskirtinai, raiškiai. Suvokiau neteisybę, skausmą, ar tiesiog atskirtumą, kurį mačiau, bet nuo kurio buvau atskirtas, ir savo valia atsiliepiau, įsitraukiau, priėmiau mūsų bendrumą, savo akimis, savo dvasia, savo dėsniais bandžiau išgyventi, pirmiausiai, kad pažinčiau ir, kur galima, padėčiau. Suvokiau, vertinau savo aplinką, paveldą ir troškau prie jos prisirišti, su ja susitapatinti, ją palaikyti ir į ją įaugti, priimti jos vertybes, jas įkūnyti. Norėjau neatsiriboti nuo aplinkos, nuo jos iššūkių, bet ją išgyventi savaip, ištikimas sau, savo vertybėms ir dovanoms, kad jos būtų sėkmingos, vaisingos, vertintinos. Supratau, yra ištisas pasaulis, kuriuo galiu domėtis, kurį kažkas supranta, iš kurio galiu tikėdamas priimti ir savaip, laisvai įsisavinti, išmokti, ir kaip kūrėjas, mąstytojas išgyventi ir tvarkyti, juo rūpintis. Suvokiau, jog įvairiausios aplinkybės, man nepažįstamos, yra visgi savos, atitinka ar net įkūnija man žinomus, artimus, prasmingus reiškinius. Suvokiau galimybę išbandyti savo jėgas, parodyti sau, ką galiu, savo sumanymą ir įsivaizdavimą įkūnyti tikrovėje, kartu ir išpuoselėdamas save, kaip kūrėją. Supratau, kad man artimas, mylimas, pavyzdingas žmogus gali mane veikti, įtakoti. Ją brangina tai, kas manyje gražu, ir manyje tą grožį iššauks, išpuoselės, man besiglaudžiant. Supratau, negalėdamas susitvarkyti su aplinkybėmis ar negandais, jog galiu atsiduoti kažkam daugiau, kas manimi gali labiau rūpintis, kaip pats įstengiu, ir kad galiu su ta jėga bendrauti, įsijungti, ją iškviesti, įtraukti būtent savo gerumu, tyrumu, nuoširdumu, atsidavimu. Supratau jausmų beprasmybę, suvokiau savo aplinkybes, galėjimą atsisakyti savo jausmų, prisirišimo, bendrumo, įsijautimo, atsiriboti nuo praeities, naujai išgirsti save ir gyventi savimi. Atsisakiau kitų vertinimų, kaip turėčiau elgtis, tad ir jų bendro pritarimo, ir susitapatinau su savo nepriklausomais tikslais, savo dovanomis, savo atsidavimu jas puoselėjant ir taikant. Suabejojau savo įsitikinimais, požiūriais, juos atpažinau, kaip tokius, kai pamačiau jog kertasi su gyvenimu, arba su mano ir kito žmogaus nemažiau pagrįstu požiūriu, jei tik jis nuoširdus, su mano atjauta jiems, mūsų bendrumu. O patikslinus ar netgi patvirtinus savo požiūrį, prisiimu dar labiau. Atsisakiau man brukamos aplinkos, savo valia puoselėjau savo aplinką, savo protą, užtat įtakojau save, savo įpročius. Atsisakiau neaiškumo, dviprasmiškumo santykiuose. Patvirtindavau draugystės prasmę, puoselėdavau savo jausmus, atsiduodavau žmogui. Susitapatinau su man siūloma laisve, su galimybe puoselėti savo turtą, veiklą, tuo pačiu save, kaip pageidaujamą prekę. Priėmiau siekiamybę, susitapatinau su ja, savo valia ugdžiau save įvairiapusiškai, kaip būdo, dorybių, gebėjimų galimybę. Nebesiejau save su globėjais, jų globa, su savo paklusnumu, su savo likimu, o su savo teisybe, savo sprendimais, savo sugebėjimais, savo tikslais Jų vertinimus praėjau taip išskirtinai, kad būčiau nepriklausoma būtybė, protas, savatikslis ir savavalis, savais rūpesčiais. Savo silpnumą, silpnybę pripažinau, savo laisvę atpažinau, savo valia tikslinau savo požiūrį. Savo menkystę supratau, savo nuo to nepriklausomą ateitį įsivaizdavau. Savo sąstingį supratau, suvokiau savo iššūkį savo elgesiui. Atpažinau gyvenimo kryžkelę, galimybę spręsti, savo troškimu iš vidaus apsisprendžiau ko noriu, ką renkuos sau Iš pavyzdžio supratau, ką kiti yra nuveikę, pasiekę, kaip elgiasi, užtat kaip ir pats galiu užsimoti, įgyvendinti, kuo galiu tapti. Išgyvenimų rūšių pavaizdavimas Išgyvenimų rūšis:
Galiu sieti apačioj medį-tinklą-seką, kad susilydytų, ir viršuj taipogi seką-medį-tinklą. Išsakyti Jėzaus Kristaus pasisakymais, "Aš esu...", kartu sieti su poreikiais. Kiekviename išgyvenime, trečią asmenį pavaizduot viea iš šešių giesmininkių, kurias nutapiau juodojo Dievo veide, užtat juodai, negatyvai. Naudoti abstrakčias, ištįsusias įvairių spalvų formas, jas iškarpyti iš drobės, išvesti medžiais, sekomis, tinklais. Taip daryti asmeniu iš apačios ir iš viršaus, o tarp jų, tarpe yra trečias asmuo, juoda giesmininkė. Vaizdavimus vaizduosiu:
IšgyvenimųRūšiųPavyzdžiaiNaujausi pakeitimai 网站 Įvadas #E9F5FC Klausimai #FFFFC0 Teiginiai #FFFFFF Kitų mintys #EFCFE1 Dievas man #FFECC0 Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius |
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2021 vasario 25 d., 20:58