Veiksmai, Padalinimų ratas, Veiksmas +1, Veiksmas +3, Veikla, Žmogaus savęs suvokimas, Širdis, Apibrėžimas Žr. iš ankščiau: SelfDescription, StateTransitionSyntax, Fractal Kaip veiksmas +2 lygtimis išreiškia sąmonę? Veiksmas +2
Kas yra veiksmas +2 ? Veiksmas +2 prideda du požiūrius, įsijautimo ir atsitokėjimo, ir tokiu būdu veda iš vieno visko padalinimo į kitą visko padalinimą su dviem papildomais požiūriais (mod 8). For example, it maps the {{Threesome}} to the {{Fivesome}}, which we denote as an equation [{{{{Three}} add two}} 3 + 2 = 5]. As a mapping, it takes us from one state of mind to another. Note also that [{{{{Six}} add two}} 6 + 2 = 0] and so operation +1 is given by eight equations in all. Abu požiūriai yra pasikartojanti veikla (dvasia) ir jos iššaukta sandara. Veiksmą +2 suprantu kaip savęs įtraukimą (self-inclusion) į padalinimą. Kažko požiūris.
Veiksmas +2 yra neigimas:
The operation +2 expresses God's perspective on his relationship with the {{heart}}. God takes up all of the perspectives of a division. Then God goes beyond himself in all of these perspectives, and looks at himself from the side, introducing a new unity, hence a new perspective. Then God reinterprets all of the perspectives so that they are on an equal basis. +2 finds within the division that ultimate [{{Shift}} in perspective] which leads out to its comprehensive {{Perspective}} - that perspective which encompasses the entire division. This shift may be thought of as the activity of comprehending, of understanding, of returning to the beginning - the {{Whole}}. Operation +2 interprets this shift as a perspective in its own right. And in doing so, it derives it as arising from a ground, and that ground is extrapolated by considering the comprehensive perspective as a shift in perspective acting on the ground to yield the new perspective. In this way, +2 yields activity, and it also reverses the shift in perspective. I think +2 relates to [{{Shared}} understanding] It seems also that +2 has two outlooks occuring in parallel: first we add the [humans view], a [{{Shift}} in perspective], and only then [{{Gods}} view] of that - extrapolated as his[{{{{Going}} beyond oneself}} going beyond himself]. We have these two taking place at once, thus allowing for {{Activity}}. Note that we start with the {{Twosome}} because that is what first makes a [{{Shift}} in perspective] evident. Hence we have actions on the {{Factors}}: {{Twosome}}, {{Threesome}} and {{Foursome}}. Note: This is the structure that is relevant for {{Internalization}}: whether to what yields why to how.
![]() Atkūrimas Kas yra atkūrimas
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===Ideas=== Doubtful, because it would not extend nicely to +3: adding two perspectives yields {{Representations}}, and adding one at a time yields {{Topologies}}. Introspection +2 = awareness.
Įsijautimas ir atsitokėjimas Mano tyrimai remiasi dviem kraštutinumais, įsijautimu (gyvenimiškų duomenų rinkimui) ir atsitokėjimu (vaizduotės rėmų, galimybių apžvalga):
Aštuongubas kelias sieja dievišką trejybę (kai turime ryšį su Dievu) ir žmogišką trejybę (kai neturime ryšio su Dievu).
Klausimas: Ar galime įsijausti į dvasinį pasaulį, į atsitokėjimą? Ir atsitokėti nuo įsijautimo? Nes atsitokėdami nuo įsijautimo, atsitokiame ir atsigauname - randame ramybę. O kaip yra atvirkščiai? Išeina už savęs iš įsijautimo į atsitokėjimą. (ir atgal?) kaip. Kalbos 2 plotmės - reliatyviąją (ramybę) sieti su nulybės atvaizdu. Įsijautimas - troškimai, Dievo išėjimas už savęs. Atsitokėjimas - nulybės atvaizdai, Sūnaus grįžimas atgal. Mokslinis tyrimas būtinai pagrįstas pasikartojančia veikla nes jį turi būti įmanoma pakartoti. Nuline veikla Nulinė veikla yra:
A statement in the system can always include the "null activity" even if it is not able to refer to the "total structure", but the two are the same (?) Užrašai
![]() ![]() William James: Tender minded (materialist, step-in) - tough minded (idealist, step-out) - truth of world and heart? Solve with pragmatism. Original source: [ Stable non-destructive self embedding], 2002-11-12, by FlemmingFunch Flemming Funch: [ Dan Winter] is a sacred geometry genius. He speaks and writes a mile a minute and I can't exactly follow most of what he's saying. But some of it intuitively makes great sense. One thing he often talks about is self embedding, and there's a point there which I think is very important. I can't grasp the math, so bear with my more simplistic and possibly naive version. Multiple waves can co-exist in the same space, if they're in {{harmony}}, so to speak. If they're not in harmony they might sort of collide, but under certain circumstances the waves all sort of fit into the same space. Multiple harmonics form a unified tone. Multiple waves form one wave form which represents all of them at once. Potentially you can pack a lot of information into a very small place if it all embeds into each other. It can travel together in a very compact form. And you can reverse it and get it all back again. So, it is non-destructive. Fractals fit in here. A very simple recursive formula might produce something very complex. The complexity is embedded into itself in the form of a simplicity, so to speak. Now, metaphysically or spiritually speaking, that might have something to do with self-awareness and with eternal life. If you can embed all that you are into itself in a non-destructive way, you can go through the eye of the needle, and remain intact and conscious even if you travel to another universe. Through a black hole, say. And the point I wanted to get to here right now is that a group of diverse people with diverse talents might function well as a group if the characteristics of the members embed well into each other. Or, reversely, if they can all function as variations of the same fractal principle. There's a harmony that might take place, which isn't agreement per se. It is more that everything sort of fits together in a very economical way. If you come in during the day and I come in during the night, we can fit in the same office. If I get a lot of mail from foreign lands, and you collect stamps, and another person recycles paper, it all fits together. If I walk across a chasm, I don't really need a 20,000 ton bridge - I just need something under my foot in the exact place where I put it at any given moment. Am I making any sense? Christopher Langan sąvoka "conspansion" sieja erdvę ir laiką bene panašiai kaip veiksmas +2 sieja sandarą ir veiklą. [ Introduction to the CTMU]: An act is a temporal process, and self-inclusion is a spatial relation. The act of self-inclusion is thus "where time becomes space"; for the set of all sets, there can be no more fundamental process. No matter what else happens in the evolving universe, it must be temporally embedded in this dualistic self-inclusion operation. In the CTMU, the self-inclusion process is known as conspansion and occurs at the distributed, Lorentz-invariant conspansion rate c, a time-space conversion factor already familiar as the speed of light in vacuo (conspansion consists of two alternative phases accounting for the wave and particle properties of matter and affording a logical explanation for accelerating cosmic expansion). When we imagine a dynamic self-including set, we think of a set growing larger and larger in order to engulf itself from without. But since there is no "without" relative to the real universe, external growth or reference is not an option; there can be no external set or external descriptor. Instead, self-inclusion and self-description must occur inwardly as the universe stratifies into a temporal sequence of states, each state topologically and computationally contained in the one preceding it (where the conventionally limited term computation is understood to refer to a more powerful SCSPL-based concept, protocomputation, involving spatiotemporal parallelism). On the present level of discourse, this inward self-inclusion is the conspansive basis of what we call spacetime. 2005.01.21 {{A}}: Kuria prasme pasislinkimas yra iėjimas u savęs? {{D}}: Jūsų irdis yra gera tik man reikia ją paadinti. Tai kad ji gali būti paadinta yra iėjimas u savęs. 2005.05.02 {{A}}: Kaip irdis ieina u savęs? {{D}}: irdis pripaįsta apimtį, jai duotą i aukčiau, vis arčiau savęs, kuri jinai mylima, kol galiausia ji gyvena ivien su manimi. 2005.02.19 {{A}}: Kaip man suprasti operaciją +2? {{D}}: Visa tai yra aminas grįimasis atgal, tik per kiek ingsnių. {{A}}: ioje operacijoje per du. {{D}}: Taip, tai pradia ir pabaiga, tad ir vėl pradia. |
IrDuNaujausi pakeitimai 网站 Įvadas #E9F5FC Klausimai #FFFFC0 Teiginiai #FFFFFF Kitų mintys #EFCFE1 Dievas man #FFECC0 Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius |
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2025 sausio 24 d., 18:06