






Position Žr.Požiūris? Taip pat: DefaultPosition, MyPosition, OurPosition, Overview, Perspective

Laikysena, tai požiūris, kurio laikomės. Tai nuostata.

Laikysena yra:

  • a Supposition that is attributed to a Viewer, so that responsibility is with the viewer
  • a Supposition that goes beyond itself into another supposition
  • what one Coincides with
  • what one stays connected to that is independent of one's [ThisWiki:Contexts Context]
  • what one returns to, is related to, is prior to one's context
  • a substitute for one's Self, the Other's taking up one's Self
  • what [GoBeyondOneself goes beyond itself]. This is to say that it is an expression which unfolds so that it is surpassed by its spirit.
  • the expression and spirit of its expression and spirit. Separating is Expression and Coinciding is Spirit. A position is thus the separating and coinciding of its separating and coinciding. It is the source of a separating and a coinciding.
  • what is implicit that is willing to be explicit, to be in context
  • what is not of the map which is willing to be on the map
  • has no reference to system
  • is God's Self
  • is taken with regard to Everything
  • To take up a perspective is to accept that observational plane which determines the perspective.
  • To identify with an {{Observer}} is to accept, as primary, the observational plane which they determine.

Laikysena ir požiūris

  • are post-definitional
  • make sense in any System
  • are roles that accord to God and Person
  • are God and Person's relationship
  • Perspective is the assumption that Who is in System.
  • Position is the assumption that Who is beyond System.
  • Perspective is what is BeingOneWith in System, it is a part, a local BeingOneWith. A Person's relationship within Scope of what is beyond Scope. (All, any, a, no perspectives).
  • Position is what is BeingOneWith beyond System, it is a whole, a global BeingOneWith. What is maintained as being alone. A person's relationship beyond Scope with what is beyond Scope.
  • Scope brings Position to Perspective as Freedom, which unites them.
  • Scope brings Perspective to Position as Truth, which separates them.
  • Person brings Position to Perspective as Experiencing, which unites them.
  • Person brings Perspective to Position as Understanding, which separates them.
  • Activity is how a Perspective separates itself from a Position
  • Structure is how a Perspective unites with a Position
  • Properties are what are accessible to Perspectives

Požiūriai suduriami jų laikantis.

Rimas Morkunas made an important note: that when we take up the perspective of another, then it is the same as to rotate the entire world.


Naujausi pakeitimai



Įvadas #E9F5FC

Klausimai #FFFFC0

Teiginiai #FFFFFF

Kitų mintys #EFCFE1

Dievas man #FFECC0

Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC

Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2014 birželio 25 d., 12:48