







Kaip susiję Dievo laisvė, žmogaus laisvė ir laisvumas?


Mūsų supratimu, pasaulis yra laisvas - nenumatomas - mes nebūtinai laisvi. Mūsų laisva valia atspindi pasaulio laisvą valią, taip pat išplaukia iš mūsų sąlygiško gebėjimo valdyti pasaulį, taip kad jis priklauso nuo mūsų.


  • Vienų vienumas, tad Dievas yra laisvas, o mes esame laisvi būdami vienų vieni.
  • Laisvė yra teigiamo įsakymo (ką daryti) išsakymas neigiamu įsakymu (ko nedaryti), tad besąlygiškumo išreiškimas sąlygomis.
  • the ability of Person to choose to acknowledge God or not. It is the condition for Necessity.
  • gerumo raiška gyvenimo lygtyje: Good, Slack, Coinciding, Perfection kuria iš esmės (tobulumo) galima grįžti atgal į dvasią (gerumą)
  • is the definition of BeingOneWith, of being together
  • is the relationship between Scopes
  • accepts all bounds
  • is that with which we are one?
  • allows one to interpret, and thus to define, Person (everyone, anyone, someone, noone) with regard to System or beyond System.
  • is that Position goes out to Perspective and takes it up (Experience), but does Perspective step out and go out to Position? (Understanding).
  • is allowing God and NotGod to be side by side, just like free will in fate, just like Person, God in NotGod
  • allows us to consider God beyond System without presuming God within System, so that there does not have to be a distinction between Good and Bad, and that distinction is subsequent to the arisal of Good.
  • coordinates Facts and Theory
  • is a Person's witnessship by which is formulated God's being or not
  • is possibility within limits.
  • is how the choice of God over oneself takes place
  • is the boundary between God and NotGod where both are possible
  • is what can be assumed
  • is being alone within Definition, within System, within Scope, within oneself, conditional BeingOneWith, distinguishes God and NotGod, thus has Person and Scope, (Good - Spirit of Freedom, Slack - Structure of Freedom, Coinciding - Representations of Freedom, Perfection - Unity of Freedom), that God and NotGod are different. Freedom is the relationship between God's being (through Person) and not being (through Scope), that they are different, but coincide in Freedom. Thus Freedom (of Person) unites God with God's potential. Freedom is the ability of a Person to live through another: God, I, You, Other. God is beyond Person and within Person. Freedom is God in System, thus God having an opponent, an opposite, thus God not being alone.

Kas yra laisvė?

  • Laisve parodome atvirumą ar neatvirumą laisvumui. Ar rodysime gerą valią? Esame laisvi, kiek jos rodysim, ir kaip.

Jausmais, jauduliais atpažįstame savo laisvę ir nelaisvę. Tad gera juos išnarplioti, į juos įsiklausyti, kad būtų ko švelnesni, tyresni. Bet norint kitiems parodyti, jie turi būti garsesni, didesni, ryškesni.

Atsitiktinumas būtinas laisvei, kad žmogus galėtų rinktis ir jo pasirinkimas nebūtų iš anksto apibrėžtas, nepriklausytų vien nuo jo ar vien nuo aplinkybių, o tai patvirtina nenuspėjamos aplinkybės - vadinas, žmogus nustato pirm aplinkybių, jų negali pilnai žinoti, užtat nusistato ryšium su jomis, kiek jas įstengia numatyti.

Stebėtojas nėra klasikinėje tikrovėje, užtat yra kvantinėje tikrovėje. Kvantinėje tikrovėje vienu metu yra įvairiausios galimybės. Tad žmogus yra laisvas tarp tų galimybių. Tai apibūdina laisvę. Gal ta laisvė yra sėkla, nepakitumo taškas žmoguje, kuri plėtojasi ir vystosi jam besivystant, jam beturint santykius su savimi, taipogi su kitais, su pasauliu, su Dievu.

Laisvės rūšys

  • Kaip įvairiai atsiveria laisvė? Gėrio kryptys išsako laisvės galimybes.
  • Kaip laisvė ir prasmė susiję su dešimts Dievo įsakymų?
  • Kaip laisvė ir išgyvenimai susiję su dvejonėmis, abejonėmis, neužmigimu? ir su netroškimais apskritai - jauduliais, poreikiais, vertybėmis?
  • Kaip asmeniškai išgyvenau įvairias laisves, kas man bbgcolor=#99FF33uvo svarbiausia?
  • Kaip laisves meniškai pavaizduoti, palaikyti scenografija?

Atsitiktinumas būtinas laisvei, kad žmogus galėtų rinktis ir jo pasirinkimas nebūtų iš anksto apibrėžtas, nepriklausytų vien nuo jo ar vien nuo aplinkybių, o tai patvirtina nenuspėjamos aplinkybės - vadinas, žmogus nustato pirm aplinkybių, jų negali pilnai žinoti, užtat nusistato ryšium su jomis, kiek jas įstengia numatyti.

NonDefinitions of God: Good, Slack, Coinciding, Perfection

  • are Freedom
  • are being one with by way of God's nonbeing


  • Love and understanding work towards ever greater independence of the one inside and the one outside.



  • is lack of freedom.
  • is how God's being (through Persons) and nonbeing (through Scopes) interfere with each other
  • is, for example, NotGood, the insistence that where there is Good there must also be Bad, the disallowance that Good can ever stand on its own
  • is possible when there is not Understanding, not Love
  • is how Facts and Theory interfere with each other
  • is defined not being alone.

Laisvės atsivėrimas

Regarding those special moments of freedom, when we're not on auto-pilot.... I find them come up in a few practical ways. Every day when I wake up and I am most free, I try to contact God so that we are in touch, and listen to him as to what he might tell me, and take that in and write that down. I found a way to pray which opens this up for me, it is essentially the prayer "Our Father": I address God who loves me more than I love myself, wants me to be sensitive, responsive, alive more than I do for myself; and so I acknowledge that I'd rather he think than I think (thus in terms of his glory), he be than I be (so that for each person what they believe is what happens), he do than I do (good heart trumps good will); but when I'm not in touch with him, then I ask that he watch over me so that I might follow through on what I believe (and so be provided for at least today), I might reflect on what I follow through (including what I have done wrong) and I might take a stand on what I reflect (and not be led astray by my reasoning). That splitting of my mind (defer to God if I'm in touch with him; take responsibility for my own integrity if I'm not in touch with him) flattens me out so that I might recognize him as greater than me and might reft my closed shell of a world and open up a greater picture.

Then, I try to devote my best hour to what I care most to work in my life, and put my best creative energies into, which for me is my quest to know everything. It is awfully hard, often painful, but I try to do it so that I reach the point where I have found a new idea, observation, conclusion that means that I have come somewhere further in what I find meaningful, and so this day will not be wasted, but I can already mark off as a definitely meaningful day in my life.

I also find the freedom in those little gaps throughout the day where the opportunity to do good speaks up. It is the opposite of conscience. My conscience only says "no", this is wrong, which is important. But this voice says, I am free to do this, and it would be beautiful to live this. It might be that extra good thing to do which is not required, but simply and purely "extra credit" as they say in school. Something like: God wished this much, and that is fine, but he brought me here so that I might wish a little bit even more. And if that happens then I know that I can look back on the day and I did live.

You have written about how we are like crystals in a quantum world and designed to resolve ever growing complexities. I think that it is good that we set up parallel tracks (short and long time scales, many places in space) where we let loose the auto-pilots that we hold ourselves accountable to, because that is what interconnects our world. And then it all gets resolved in those little moments of freedom where we decide how to behave and we let things fall in place. Somehow they are connected.


  • Mūsų esminė laisvė yra pripažinti ar nepripažinti kito požiūrį.


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Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2025 sausio 15 d., 19:17