






Vertybės, Vertybės ir klausimai, Vertybių žemėlapis

Kaip vertybės išreiškia vienumą?


  • Kokias spragas įveikiame kertinėmis vertybėmis?
  • Kaip vertybė telkia dėmesį?
  • Kaip kertinė vertybė aprėpia visas vertybės?
  • Kaip kertinė vertybė vienija?


  • Kertinėmis vertybėmis įveikiame spragas.
  • Vertybės telkia dėmesį siauriau ar plačiau ar kitų pagrindu.



Laikytis gerumo

  • Stay in love. Whatever I'm doing, if I'm doing it out of a sense of love, where I'm happy to be here, and feel activated by what I'm doing, then I have a lot of energy and creativity to offer, and that also inspires other people when there is a culture that is happy and appreciative of each other.
  • Be human.

Gyventi tiesa

  • LivingByTruth
  • Being true. Sąžiningumas.
  • Sadiq, to behave truthfully
  • Believing. What pushes us up to be better even when the world is bad to us.

Laikytis Dievo

  • Listening to God and not hurting others
  • Making room in my self for God to shine through
  • My deepest value is love God more than anything else. The zen is understanding everythings relationship to God
  • Pray for people and stay strong


  • Influencing and cross-pollinating
  • Change the world, don't accept things as they are
  • To Educate and Change life through Music
  • To have our handcrafts and arts products marketed online and have a centre where we can sensitize our community to the value of arts.
  • Making tech, services and systems connect better with people
  • Bringing new things into the world


  • Sharing my engagement of life
  • Sharing what I am aware of


  • Ensuring the future for my family
  • HelpingPeople
  • To help others
  • Giving a helping hand in any way I can.
  • Solving the needs of other people
  • Being a blessing


  • Being surrounded by people I like
  • Living Life One Hundred Percent. Das Leben selbst! Ich will in jedem Moment voll und ganz leben, intensiv, 100% - ich möchte ganz und gar in der Existenz sein, möchte Existenz sein.
  • VisualizingSoPeopleCanUnderstand
  • DoSomethingExtremelyWell
  • RecognizeTheEssenceOfTheWorld, Erkennen, was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhaelt.
  • Live doing what I love, using my talents to empower people in different fields
  • to try and give back and give access to the resources that we have, especially access to ProblemBasedEducation
  • CaringEverMoreBroadly - (RūpintisVisPlačiau - Rūpintis visuomene ir tauta)
  • Making myself the person that I want to be.
  • Evaluating Extraordinary Knowledge For Application
  • Orgullo, Be proud of
  • MakingValueMultiplicationTransparent
  • Giving people the feeling that they control their own destiny
  • To be kind
  • Seeing my children grow up and how they have parts of me and my wife.


  • If you are with God, then God is with all of us
  • Positivity breeds positivity
  • Don't do to others what you would not want them to do to you. - Ne fais pas a autrui ce que tu ne voudrair pas que l'on te fasse. Ceci est la Torah, le reste n'est que commentaire. Rabbi Hillel
  • Love conquers all
  • Things happen for a reason: God closes one door and opens another.
  • Selfishness should not be a winning strategy.
  • Everyone has to bring in something valuable. Ask, give opportunity, time, show interest - and - in my experience - there will come up an absolutly unique point of view, which only these person is able to create, to communicate, to share. Doesn't matter how old or educated people are. So, never allow whom ever to distroy this inner natural curiosity e.g. kids express when they are on their way to understand what world is or is meant to be. Or the inner child, when it appears to say hello.
  • What is truly best for me, and what is truly best for my community, and what is truly best for my surroundings is all the same.
  • Every single person has a creative idea that will change the planet


  • Individuality that supports friendship and vice versa.
  • Ecospirituality
  • Realization that we're all one and connected and somehow have to help each other and so what matters are the friendships you create as you go along. Friends and family and when I wake up in the morning I want to continue the day and I don't want ... to because it is who I am.
  • Human relationships
  • Harmony with yourself
  • A free and fulfilled life for all of us through understanding and consciousness
  • EvolutionOfInteraction (bendravimoraida)
  • Peaceful agreement
  • Creative positive impact
  • ResponsibleInteraction
  • TheRightToRebel(galimybėmaištauti)
  • Diversidad cómo la suma de identidad, y identidad es saber quien es cualquier ser, humano o nonhumano. Diversity as the sum of identity, and identity as knowing oneself, whether human or nonhuman.
  • Freedom, the ability to live as God created me.
  • Wholehearted passion
  • Human rights in the workplace
  • Žmogaus meilė žmogui
  • Authenticity
  • Justice
  • PlanetaryAwakening
  • Faith that something helps us along
  • Love
  • Wholth (God)
  • Life: Life Force in the Universe
  • Harmony of life. Gyvenimo harmonija.
  • My country being a big nation or state just like other countries
  • Love of God regardless of what he is like so that I may worship him.
  • MindColonies
  • Love, the reality of our interconnectedness.
  • The reality of the direct environment
  • Human connection
  • Love, work and independence
  • Suvokimas savęs, kaip Dieviškos Esybės, ir žadinimas kitų to paties suvokimui.
  • Going from the spiritual division of human DNA to the Organic Experience of Spiritual Unity
  • Peaceful transformation of the planet to the next evolutionary step
  • Knowing that I am not alone
  • Integrity, being myself
  • AuthenticReach
  • Our commonality
  • Good meaningful connection with other people around ideas, good will and with other sentient beings in the universe
  • Trust
  • The women has been left behind in so many ways here and hope to have them steer themselves for the upcoming technologies
  • Quality
  • True perception
  • All the different people living harmoniously and respecting each other even if they want to live separately

  • The spiritual dimension of justice
  • Social justice, all humans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect simply because they are human
  • AHumancentricScale
  • Love, a true universality
  • TheCourageToActAsMyself
  • Peace
  • Helping more people be entrepreneurs
  • The support of my family
  • FriendlinessToMankind
  • Freedom, that people can realize their potential and then decide about their own lives and relationships and are empowered in their negotiations with others so that they don't just follow given rules but find new rules for themselves.
  • Connecting the unconnected
  • Teach others whatever I got.
  • Valuing communication over violence
  • Storytelling
  • Love: To be awake in every sense
  • Justice
  • Emptiness, living without judgment.
  • Holiness from the Hebrew perspective
  • FriendshipThroughWisdom FreundschaftDurchWeisheit
  • WarmHumanRelationship (ŠiltasŽmogiškasBendravimas)
  • BeingComfortableInMyOwnSkin
  • Love conquers all
  • Empowering people to have a voice
  • Seeing the ecology of the universe, knowing that nothing is isolated from itself.
  • OpenWorld: Opening up dimensions that open up dimensions
  • Gyventi tarp laimingų žmonių - Live among happy people
  • Serving (Tarnystė)
  • MakingPeopleHappy
  • Bringing new things into the world
  • Save the willing first
  • Seeing that other people's needs are met
  • Promoting groupishness
  • Free exchange of information
  • Compassion
  • Seeing that other people's needs are met
  • Being selfless
  • To dedicate my life to explore and exploit new opportunities and ideas towards personal and human progress for a better world.
  • Continual learning
  • Being able to look back on my life and feel that I've contributed all that I could.
  • HelpingPeopleFulfillTheirPotential
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Community work, especially reaching people that cannot be reached by messages
  • Empathy
  • To be true to myself
  • To work as little as needed to support my interests
  • Communion, connections between all living things
  • HelpWhereverICan
  • Help people live in dignity-access opportunities to transform and change their lives and communities
  • Communicate to the largest audience possible what I know about life, especially mathematics.
  • God's justice
  • To serve those who are not as fortunate as myself.
  • EffectiveCaring
  • RespondingToInjustice
  • LovePeople (meilė žmonėms)
  • UnityOfSalvation
  • Tikėjimas, kai priimi Evangeliją visa širdimi ir protu ir savo jausmais, visu savimi ir keičia vertybes. Faith when you receive the Gospel with all of your heart and mind and feelings, with all of you and it changes your values.
  • CreativeJoy
  • Making the least impact on the world.
  • To be part of something bigger than myself.
  • FightingPeacefully
  • Be proud of my life
  • To help the children of God who have no education
  • The sanctity of life
  • Helping people answer questions that are important to them which within their community they can find the answers or at least the energy and the will to find the answers.
  • Grace, getting good things I don't deserve
  • Leading Magical Lives Caring for Creation
  • To help
  • Recognizing contradictions and being able to live within contradictions
  • All things are alive. All things have flow and process.
  • Doing something that matters
  • There is no absolute truth, everything is happening in context and we are part of that context
  • Loving kindness
  • Living holistically
  • Integrity, living in accordance and being consistent with your deepest values
  • LovingwithClarity
  • Daryti žmogui gerą nesvarbu kas. To help a person regardless.
  • To have the youths see the future with changed opinion and be good bavoural models in our society.
  • Living in harmony with God's universe
  • Finding the good in everything around me
  • I can't formulate one deepest value, I have many. I am currently very enthralled by the concept of the portuguese/spanish word "entrega". I don't know a correct translation to english yet...
  • Integrity, embodying my deepest values
  • To have friends
  • Deep friendship
  • Creative Intelligence Through Synergetic Diversity
  • The relationship between human beings and places.
  • Respect for people
  • Honesty, say what you do and do what you say.
  • The quality of life
  • Optimal interplay. Everything should unfold its full potential by interacting in the best way with other things. (Jeder und Alles sollte seine besten Möglichkeiten durch optimales Zusammenspiel entfalten können.)
  • Fairness
  • always thinking of being helpfull person to the needy and we make a better future and better world
  • NotDespising
  • PeakExperiences
  • MovingInLoveTogether
  • CoherenceInsteadOfFragmentation
  • Dignity
  • Service to humanity.
  • RightLivelihood To find a way of being on the planet, so that the human species remains welcome.
  • Mutuality
  • HelpingOthers (uthavum karangal)
  • Curiosity
  • Evolution of consciousness
  • My faith in God.
  • I am Christian like and would want people to honor their God to haveplenty of wealth to see a sustainable future without corruption which is now prevailing in Kenya
  • Peace
  • Responsibility to humanity to change the Muslim society to be a part of the consciousness of the universe
  • Freedom
  • Having a healthy family
  • Love, patience, culture
  • MythosophyThroughPlayfoolness
  • GlobalVillages (RecognizingEfficacies)
  • An accountable network of human energy
  • Love (?)
  • Integrity
  • LearningByChallenging
  • Dynamism
  • Siekimas susikalbėti, neužsidaryti
  • RulesOfTheGameThatAreFairForAll
  • Santarvė ir ramybė šeimoje
  • Authenticity, finding what's real
  • Being led by the people I love.
  • Serving the people
  • Getting people to see things from some other person's or group's point of view.
  • To be of service to improve the quality of life on this planet
  • Exchanging positive opportunities with each other
  • Ambition - My single most ambition is for those around me to succeed coz only then will I also be successful. If I can influence the success of those arround me then to me that would be my success. I would not call myself successful if my neighbour sleeps on an empty stomach.
  • StayingCloseToMyLife
  • HavingAnIdea
  • Excelling
  • DoingTheBestPossible
  • Being my neighbour's keeper
  • Being faithful in God and others
  • To be who I am and let others be who they are even if sometimes its very hard.
  • Man must empathize with man
  • ThoughtfulSharing
  • Standing up to Oppression
  • Addressing injustice
  • Responsibility
  • Joy of life that come from inner freedom.
  • To be liberal.
  • Pamatyti Dievo valią savo gyvenime To see God's will in my life
  • Honesty, the truth.
  • Keeping alive the memory of my son
  • Helping people around the world to get access to technology and knowledge
  • Harmony in all areas of life. Help for people. Darna visose gyvenimo srityse. Pagalba žmonėms.
  • PositiveThinking
  • Experience of God
  • Using aesthetic forms to attract people to absolutes
  • Working with children adopted and can be helped from sponsors who are minding because life is taking them to ditch people should feel Human enough to help the miserable children.
  • The community is in a mess and I would like to a resource centre to nurture them and have and have sustainable nature towards our future development.
  • To work with the poor and disadvantage segments of the community to enhance a participatory approach to development with a vision of creating hope and happiness.
  • Voluntary actions are the pearl of desires for satisfactory development
  • To work with the poor and disadvantage segments of the community to enhance a participatory approach to development with a vision of creating hope and happiness.
  • Finding harmony
  • Create awareness
  • EthicalSolutions
  • Happiness for my two boys
  • Embracing people for who they are
  • Equality
  • HolisticHelping
  • Empowerment for Life
  • BackToTheRoot (BeingConnectedToOurselves)
  • SubmissionToTheTruth
  • Education should be available to everyone
  • Love
  • Everyone to have a voice and the skills to articulate
  • Creativity
  • ContentmentThroughSharing
  • Silence for the sake of speech
  • Sustainability, the ability to leave things the way that I have found them
  • Internal peace and forgiveness
  • A commitment to common understanding
  • TheExperienceOfLife
  • Integrity
  • Pay attention
  • Sincerity
  • That I make my choices for my own reasons
  • ParticipatorySociety (Cyfranogi)
  • MinimizingAllAvoidablePain
  • PersonalMotivation
  • Moderation (Saikas)
  • Transparency
  • Genuine truth
  • MyOwnNonexistence
  • as long as i can be a solution to any marginalised life let me take the opportunity to help with all my whole heart without any reservation
  • Knowing God
  • See many people getting education as their basic right
  • RespectForMyFamily
  • Sustainability
  • Living from love, the light in everyone.
  • The love that Christ portrays
  • LoveOfAllPeople
  • Do as much as you can with love
  • Loving my surroundings as I love myself
  • Freedom to think and communicate without boundaries inside myself or outside myself.
  • the others , to be in this life with the others and to work with all the people every were what ever they are JEWISH, MUSLIMS and CHRISTIANS
  • Being able to count on people
  • to treat others the way you would be treated
  • UnderstandingInterconnectedness
  • See the positive in what you have.
  • MutualRespect
  • Feeling content and peaceful
  • Balance
  • Improving the world and the lives of the people in it
  • KnowMore
  • Happiness
  • Compassion
  • Cherished Sustainable Livelihoods
  • We are having increased number of Orphans and having them without counseling them will make them a great spill off of hand hooligans,they should be counseled to have great ambitions for their life.
  • To nurture the young and see that they don't fail in their future ambitions
  • Doing good in the world
  • Given that I am out Of school I would wish becoming a professional in Community development Because I see my community suffer much, Although I may leave this area for my studies but wish to come and fasten the development idea started
  • KeepReachingOut
  • Creating happiness
  • God
  • FreedomWithConscience
  • Being able to go anywhere in the world that I want.
  • My success, and the success of those around me
  • Enjoying life
  • ClarityInCommunication
  • Anybody can do anything
  • Integrity
  • MakeKnowledgeAvailable
  • Building things that improve people's lives
  • BecomingZero - Total Quiescence
  • Testing
  • Good will win over evil in the long run
  • JoyAndCompassion
  • Women are the land and developing them is developing the entire genarion.
  • Heart-to-heart relationships
  • Justice
  • LearningAndGrowing
  • my biggest core value I would say is my trust in the Lord
  • Finding the integrity within yourself.
  • Trying to bring understanding
  • FindBetterWaysTogether (MejoresVias)
  • Divine play of love and beauty
  • BuildingBridges
  • Trabajo mancomun (Collective work)
  • Change for good
  • PayingRealAttention
  • Taking over the world: Giving everybody in the world the power to communicate freely
  • To love and to be loved.
  • To satisfy what God wants for me
  • The freedom that technology gives you.
  • Cooperation
  • Brotherhood
  • Collaboration
  • Natural Integration of Body, Mind and Heart. The right to my personal process.(See also: GrowingAsHumanBeings)
  • Creer que una ilusión puede formar una realidad
  • Being respectful of life, that which grows and continues into the infinite future
  • GettingRidOfEverythingThatLimitsUs
  • Savikūra (savo sąmonės plėtimas vertybių pagrindu) Creating oneself
  • Open Future.
  • The optimization of the radiance of unconditional love. Reducing the impedence of the evolutionary thrust within being to be everything that it is possible to be
  • Reinventing the modern world so it's compatible with nature
  • Boldly creating the world that works for all
  • I must work hard to succeed to let others be helped also.
  • Compassion
  • All is one
  • MeaningfulInclusion
  • Fairness from self-respect and self-esteem
  • Contributing to my family, friends and other relationships by binding people
  • IntelligentFaith
  • BeingMuse
  • UnderstandingTheWhole
  • Alignment with sharing joyful expansion
  • Šeimos ir darbo darna
  • Integrity
  • TakingCareOfPeopleAroundMe
  • Exploration of ideas
  • Life, conditions for
  • Try to have integrity
  • Empathy
  • SelfCorrectingMyself
  • Meaningfulness
  • Unbreakable optimism
  • We can agree to disagree.
  • Being true to my divine self
  • Being able to relate to people in a peer-to-peer way.
  • To let every child know that their living matters
  • Authenticity
  • ReinforcementOfCivilSociety
  • BuildFromThePositiveSide
  • InvincibleLove, NepalaužomaMeilė
  • Creating heaven which is a world based on truth
  • To believe in God.
  • To live with dignity
  • Being my selves, so that the higher self stands above the lower self
  • Being grateful for all that is as a learning experience
  • Viską daryti su meile - Do everything with love
  • Preserving the past
  • Applying all available resources to unsolvable problems.
  • Working honestly
  • FindOnesPurposeInLife (RastiSavoPašaukimą) (Veiksmingas žinojimas)
  • Being a representative of God as a human being
  • PromotingChange
  • Faith in humanity
  • ToBeOpenToTheTruth
  • BeingInTouchWithMyCore
  • SupportingOthersInBeingWhoTheyAre
  • Creating the conditions that bring out the best in us
  • Being generous in spirit and mind and heart
  • Quality of life for my family
  • To have our handcrafts and arts products marketed online and have a centre where we can sensitize our community to the value of arts.
  • Doing things for other people not just for myself
  • Doubt
  • To respect and look to others as equals
  • To do work that needs doing
  • Finding an answer to any question
  • BetterConnectionWithTheUniverse
  • ObserveToUnderstand
  • BeingConnectedHeartToHeart
  • GrowBeyondMyLimitations
  • Justice, equal rights for everyone
  • That something I do makes the world a little better than when I got here.
  • (R)evolution!
  • HelpingPeopleGrow
  • Reconnecting with the cosmos.
  • CaresOfLife
  • LiveInHarmonyWithNature
  • Pure professional attires to the development of my community through sustainable community projects
  • Reduce the gap between the rich and poor
  • I don't know. LearningFromEachOther is relevant.
  • Sharing my experience with other people
  • Happiness, feeling that people can share openly what they feel and that they are achieving results for themselves and through that for others
  • Interpret price above cost as Object Consumer plea for growth.
  • Enabling people to find resources out of nothing and use them collectively to find happiness
  • Being straightforward in the now
  • Living in synergy with the natural systems that support us
  • AppreciatingTheEarth (double check)
  • What's the meaning of life?
  • Small Sacrifices That Have Great Value For Others
  • Redemptive power of art and culture
  • Finding good people, with good hearts and good minds
  • Loving compassion
  • Transforming culture to the glory of God
  • Wisdom
  • We are all one as part of nature
  • Creating Conditions That Allow Individuals To Be Powerful
  • BeliefInGod (tikėjimas Dievu)
  • To mobilize to the youths to become good role models in the community
  • For People To Be Able To Really Feel Each Other
  • That the existing digital divide in the world amongst people and countries would be bridged through the same medium that divides us- technology!
  • Caring as a person
  • Way to success
  • Giving voice to the voiceless
  • Helping other people while we have the chance
  • ImproveMyself (tobulėti)
  • Being in harmony with our highest nature which is being in conscious relationship with the Great Spirit and the universal energies of life because otherwise we're not honoring who we truly are.
  • I want to be useful.
  • Self-Learning, Mokymasis
  • HelpingPeopleToUnderstand
  • That my family do well
  • CosmoSapiens
  • Honoring and serving the sacred as I understand it
  • Love, being devoted to another person's wellbeing and care
  • OptimismBasedOnLove
  • Embracing uncertainty
  • To treat everybody equally
  • Uninhibited communication
  • OpeningOurselvesToDirectKnowledge
  • Elgtis dorai nepažeisti savo tautos papročių ir garbės.
  • Gyvenimiška patirtis - Real life experience
  • To facilitate personal truth
  • Advancing honesty and integrity
  • Addressing complex issues
  • my deepest value is democracy and that is why i would like to study law so that i can fight for my rights
  • Preserving the family farm
  • The conditions for a good life: life, justice, peace and the integrity of creation.
  • Džiaugtis kiekviena nugyventa minute ir būti pačiam laimingam ir stengtis, kad ir kiti būti laimingesni.
  • Gyveno džiaugsmas - Joy of Living
  • JoyOfLiving (Gyvenimo džiaugsmas)
  • Family
  • Protecting the earth's living systems and nonliving systems so there will be a planet for our grandchildren to inherit
  • Succeeding at impossible tasks. Do all that I can at whatever time I am called upon to do so with all that I have for the betterment of humanity.
  • Helping people be happy even for a few minutes
  • Being a geek: Bridging the gap between knowledge and understanding.
  • Love does what's needed
  • RelyingOnEachOther
  • HelpAsNeeded (PrireikusPadėti)
  • The world is my family
  • Love for all human kind
  • Finding through discussion and applications how we can synergize what you are doing and I am doing, with the least amount of disruption for each other, with the least amount of overhead cost possible, and maximizing wealth building over time for everyone involved.
  • MotivationThroughSacrifice
  • My faith
  • FairnessInTheWorld
  • To be honest
  • Kūryba (CreativeWork)
  • Using modern information technology to pursue questions in philosophy and social science. Naudojimas modernių informacijos technologijų filosofiniams socialiniams klausimams aiškintis.
  • Searching and living by the truth.
  • NotToLoseFaith (NeprarastiTikėjimo)
  • Treating the other like myself so that all people have the same opportunities
  • Exploring the grey area between what is supposedly good and what is reality.
  • Although fellow young women are on the suit of lacking business experience they should be given hope for excellent approaches towards development.
  • Friendship as the vehicle for relations between people.
  • AcceptingPersonalResponsibility
  • Treating the other like myself so all people have the same opportunities
  • Knowing and doing what God wants me to do
  • To make living as Jesus did my lifestyle
  • Love and worship for the divine.
  • The goodness of God as reflected in the goodness of people.
  • The courage to care
  • Freedom from control without fear
  • Kindness
  • I value my life and others having enough to get them going and succeeding.
  • Helping people as I can
  • SelfUnfoldingAlongWithOthers
  • Designing a sustainable human society (in harmony with Gaia)
  • BeingHonest
  • Protecting life in the universe
  • APerfectRedRose
  • Love - loving yourself and others and finding the good in everything.
  • Understanding the Optimal Life
  • SocialJustice
  • Being a Force for Good
  • Increasing Happiness In Myself And Those Around Me
  • Sharing and collaboration: working with other people where there are mutual gains or mutual satisfactions.
  • Coming together as community (tentative)
  • Trust - speaking truth, transparency, sticking to commitments, fearlessness, keeping up with time........
  • GlobalLoveAndFriendship
  • LivingInHarmony
  • Continuous learning: Self-directing process; exposure to new things both concrete and abstract; using knowledge to improve everyday life both to yourself and others; searching the truth; a way out of willing ignorance; how to do it - let the curiosity be your guide.
  • Living in sensation
  • Good stewardship of the earth and other people
  • Justice
  • ToNeverDoAnythingWrong
  • Freedom and responsibility
  • Love for other humans around me.
  • Removing what keeps other people from being happy.
  • The Infinite Reality of Oneness
  • Loyalty and Trust
  • I want people to work together
  • Vertybes teisingai suprasti per humorą
  • FrameworksForFreedom
  • FindingWaysToAttractCriticalMass to find ways out of ArtificialScarcity
  • Caring for others
  • Connection, healing the fragmentation that exists on all levels, shifting from control to participation
  • Love
  • Economic justice
  • Constructing my life as a work of art
  • Increasing knowledge
  • Giving
  • A society that responds to change
  • LiberatingExchangeProcesses
  • Harmlessness
  • TheTriumphOfReason
  • Objective truth
  • Dievas
  • Truth is nowhere less than everywhere.
  • DoALittleMoreThanRequested
  • Happiness for me and my family
  • Democracy - people deciding the world they want
  • Acceptance
  • Equality
  • BeingAuthentic
  • Homo sapiens in veritate sapiens - Truly wise humans
  • Happiness
  • LoveOfPeople (meilėžmonėms)
  • AppropriateSelfRealization
  • Freedom. You can unfold your talents and your visions, take care of yourself and others, be a conscious active part of the whole.
  • Immersing myself into something bigger than myself
  • Believe in humanity
  • Spread cheer and confidence: to feel connected, to forge that connection with one and all in this world.
  • GeneralKnowledge bendrasžinojimas
  • MyWorldMySpace
  • Gebėjimas gyvenimą suvokti ir jame dalyvauti aktyviai
  • To have my mind free of control in every way so that it can be open to the source of all life which might be love.
  • A likeness for education of a girl child as well as education of rural women as a means to get rid of a forceful marriage ,and making a choice of a husband etc for myself. Making a difference in my community where violence against women and the girl child will be completely abolished and the standards of women in general will be raised to close the existing gaps of the past.
  • RestoringRespect
  • Making people work together to be happy
  • StrivingToKnowMore
  • Call for Development. See as many Africans as possible creating their own material world with their own mind... Because they can
  • Taking care of the planet so that as many generations as possible can have a livable life.
  • Using my relationship with God as a guardian for everyday life
  • To be humane
  • Synergy - (KūrybinėTalka)
  • My health and well being of others


Naujausi pakeitimai



Įvadas #E9F5FC

Klausimai #FFFFC0

Teiginiai #FFFFFF

Kitų mintys #EFCFE1

Dievas man #FFECC0

Iš ankščiau #CCFFCC

Mieli skaitytojai, visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius


Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2021 lapkričio 24 d., 13:55