Kviečiu išmąstyti ir puoselėti bendrystę ugdytis, bręsti, gyventi amžinai jau čia ir dabar. Pavaizdavimai? E6E6FF Asmeniškai? BA9696 Darbai FFFFC0 Išsiaiškinimai D8F1D8 Užrašai EEEEEE Kitų mintys? ECD9EC Dievas man? FFECC0 Mieli dalyviai! Visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius |
administrators (intermediate) There are many ways to configure PmWiki:WikiFarms, and some of the documentation uses different terminology to describe the same things. This page attempts to explain the terminology. For terms not related to farms, see Glossary. Why is this page needed?
The origins of WikiFarmsThe term WikiFarm is based on the computing term "server farm", which is a collection of servers that use a common infrastructure. A wiki farm is nothing more than multiple wikis that share the same installation of the PmWiki software. Some recipe and documentation authors, however, began writing about WikiFarms using agricultural terms such as "field", "farmer", "barn", "crop", and "tractor". In some cases these terms made the documentation more confusing. It is suggested that documentation authors avoid the agricultural terms, as tempting as they may be, and keep in mind that a wiki in a wiki farm is like a server in a server farm. Wikis and components in a WikiFarmAll of the wikis in a farm are more or less the same, except the "home wiki" is a wiki that is located in the same directory as the PmWiki software. The home wiki needs special consideration because it holds the components that are shared by or affect the operation of all the wikis in the farm. In particular:
It is possible to move the PmWiki software outside of the web document tree, but the pub/ directory needs to be in a web-servable directory (one that can be accessed by a URL). Authors writing about complex farm setups often have difficulty describing the components and their locations. However, it is probably not necessary or desirable to coin new terms for the components and their locations. Suggested terms
Ambiguous terms
Deprecated terms that should not be usedThese terms still exist in the documentation (pending revisions), and will live forever in the PmWiki-Users list archive.
Categories: WikiFarms
This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org: PmWiki:WikiFarmTerminology, and a talk page: PmWiki:WikiFarmTerminology-Talk. |
WikiFarmTerminologyNaujausi pakeitimai |
Puslapis paskutinį kartą pakeistas 2006 kovo 24 d., 23:08