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Mieli dalyviai! Visa mano kūryba ir kartu visi šie puslapiai yra visuomenės turtas, kuriuo visi kviečiami laisvai naudotis, dalintis, visaip perkurti. - Andrius
Maršalas Ivanas Bagramianas
Straipsnio mintys
- Istorijos laboratorijas - palyginti Lietuvos, Latvijos, Estijos, Suomijos istorijas ir pasekmes valstybingumui, tautiškumui, tautinei savimonei.
- Mačiuika ir Bagramianas - abipusė pagarba.
- Bagramianas - nusikaltimai žmonijai.
- Ką reikštų pasisakyti prieš? (Kad nepasikartotų partizanų kankinimai, armėnų genocidas. Ar mūsų tikslas būti "aukomis"?) Ar mes už taiką? Ar už karą?
Wikipedia: Ivanas Bagramianas
- 'Our hero is Marshal Bagramyan, not the fascist henchman Nzhdeh'
- The Aesthetics of Politics and Yerevan's Statues Ani Poghosyan
- Ara Papyan. “Mikoyan is a criminal, and neither Saroyan, nor Baghramyan had send people to death.”
- Anastas Mikoyan
- President Serzh Sargsyan attended the ceremony of unveiling of Garegin Nzhdeh statue
- The Sovietness of the National and the National of the Sovietness
- Hamazasp Babadzhanian
- Susisiekti su armėnais: https://epfarmenia.am/video/Armenia-3-0-Understanding-Armenia-20th-Century-Part-3
- Wikipedia: As life in Armenia grew relatively more stable under Soviet rule, Bagramyan sought to locate a woman he had met several years earlier, Tamara Hamayakovna. Tamara, who was at this time living in Nakhichevan with her family, had been married to an Armenian officer who had been killed during the Turkish-Armenian war, leaving her with their one-year-old son, Movses. Bagramyan visited her and the two decided to get married at the end of 1922. In addition to their son Movses, who went on to become a painter, they had a daughter, Margarit, who later became a doctor. Tamara remained at Bagramyan's side until her death in 1973.[13]
- https://arthive.com/artists/43078~Movses_Movsesovich_Bagramyan
- https://www.artfinder.com/artist/sargis-baghramyan/about/#/ giminė?
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